Tuesday 19 January 2010


It's coming to my attention that I am being rubbish at regular, timely posting. I can only hang my head in shame. Excuses include the fact I'm posting from my mobile phone, having other things to do (washing up, making more banana bread, having a well-earned cuppa when baby naps instead of doing owt productive, drinking in the evenings instead of doing owt productive, ETC.) but primarily, I feel disconnected.


My mum has a blog that's enriched her life more than any of us ever thought possible. I'm yet to become enchanted with blogging, although I love reading others' blogs. The idea of an open diary terrifies me, and yet anything less seems empty.

If I had anything to say, creatively, it'd feel enough, but I really don't. As the title goes, Gah.

Watch this space for occasional photos of cushion covers & baked goods ;-)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Softly softly

January's been bloody interminable. It's still only the 12th; not even halfway through! I don't like to wish away days, but this month's been all about bills, tax (tax return finally submitted- huzzah!) and Norovirus. Enough said.
Anyway, now that we're all better, I'm hoping to regain some of the enthusiasm with which I started this blog project. I made banana bread and took a photo... what's a post without pictures?
My mum's going into hospital to have her hip replaced later this month. She's been putting off having a health visitor carry out a home assessment, it turns out because she's embarrassed at the state of the house. It is a tip, but my parents have always seemed happy, if not proud, of being eccentric clutterbugs. Anyway, I've talked her into letting me, one of my brothers, and her daughter-in-law give the place a blast on Thursday... I'm excited at the prospect of taking a load of crap to the tip! Can't believe they're going to let us do it.

Tuesday 5 January 2010


I don't know yet whether it'll be a table runner or a wall hanging (I'm leaning towards the wall, boom-boom) but I am quite pleased with my first attempt at piecing bits together!
I love the fabric, a Christmas present, from a Moda layer cake, Arcadia by Sanae. Love the colours, especially the orange and brown, and the delicate leaf patterns. In the photos I'd seen online, the bluey-grey came across more grey, but I'm really looking forward to using the other 33 squares.
I followed the excellent tutorial on Helen's site (thank you, Helen!) using seven 10" squares cut into fours, so I have one little one left, which I'll try to incorporate into the backing.
I'm not looking forward to taking the next step & quilting it. At all. I'm sure it's going to get bodged with my amateur stippling. I'll have another go on a trial block, but I'm also thinking about using random straight lines... although I don't have a walking foot... any thoughts?
I've been away from the machine for a few days as we've all had a tummy bug, and last night the Christmas tree had to come down... hadn't it lasted well? Photo taken the day it came down. I think the fact that it was in a cold conservatory (my space) helped keep the needles so well, but it's a beautiful Nordman tree, gift from dear dad.
Anyway, all this is welcome procrastination from the dreaded basting & quilting!

Saturday 2 January 2010

Got to start somewhere

I made a pincushion!

From a book given to me at Christmas, thanks mum! Quilting in No Time, Emma Hardy (link)

To be honest, I'm drawn to things of a more freestyle nature, but a pincushion is a Very Useful Thing & I've got to walk before I can run.

I've taken the decision to start a blog as I am very aware of a wonderful community out there on 'tinternet and I've been a lurker on various sites for a few months now. Having a blog of my own is a precursor to me commenting, participating & getting the most out of this new hobby of mine... GULP!